
Softball: A Somewhat Inauspicious Start to the Year

Dear People,

Apologies to all for last week's grueling communal fubar; The fact is that it's never easy being us, but it's particularly stark when we find ourselves literally out on the streets and despondently huddled together-Cold, frightened and without any natural grasses or blades of polyurethane sheathing on which to carry out our imperative aerobic release. Of course as a collective, we still found our stout inner dignity, and thus I do take a certain comfort in knowing that we overwhelmingly voted to accept the harsh scattered Diaspora of a field denied, rather than succumb to the utterly degrading spectacle of ten-pin Albany bowling.

Speaking of lame-ass games, I certainly bear no malice toward the Cal Female Lacrosse team. Oh sure, they had seized all of Maxwell Field before we ever had a chance, and to be frank, it might not have felt so tawdry if they played a sport that anybody actually cared about. Still, it's hard to begrudge the tactical flair with which they clear back from the midline flanks, or for that matter, the prideful way they twirl those darling little d-poles (or short crosses, or perhaps they're called land-grabbing Nazi sticks-I honestly don't remember).

The point is that despite my best efforts, I failed to provide you with the vital cardio-vascular workout you've come to depend on, and while it would be easy to blame the rain or the Lacrossists or most obviously the disconcerting long term risks in the Fed's policy of quantitative easing, I think we all know who must take responsibility. Yes, my friends, I have no choice but to tender my resignation and immediately return to my beloved childhood guava orchid in suburban Bratislava, and that is indeed what I intend to do. One day. In the meantime though, Yahoo Weather says it's sunny skies from now thru forever, and therefore there will be a game at our own cherished Codornices this Sunday at 11, IF I get enough commits by this Friday morning….Raymond


Softball: Player Candy

Dear People,

There will be a game at Codornices this Sunday at 11, and as of now, it is full. As always, please let me know ASAP if you committed and need to cancel, and if you still want in, feel free to get on the wait list or contact me later for word of reopened slots.

This week's field fee is just $4, and that includes a complimentary pre-game seasonal selection of fresh vicodin, valium and other bracing pick-me-ups…Raymond 845-7552

PS: Steve Seskin, a moral backbone of our community and one of the great singer-songwriters of our day, will be performing three times at local Bay Area venues over the next week! Schedule and website below…


Sun, Jan 9th at 5:00 pm, doors open at 4:00 pm. Joe's Garage - 308 East 6th Avenue, San Mateo, CA. Pot luck dinner. Concert with Craig Carothers and Don Henry. Suggested donation $20. Acoustic Tune-Ups at Joe's Garage, a house concert style performance series in Downtown San Mateo. For more information or to reserve your seat e-mail to tuneupsatjoes@gmail.com.

Thu, Jan 13th at 8:00 pm. 142 Throckmorton Theatre - 142 Throckmorton Street, Mill Valley, CA. Concert with Craig Carothers and Don Henry. Tickets: $20. Call 415-383-9600 for more info or tickets.

Fri, Jan 14th at 8:00 pm. Freight and Salvage - 2020 Addison Street, Berkeley, CA.

In the Round with Craig Carothers and Don Henry. Tickets: $20.50 advance / $22.50 at door. For more info call (510) 644-2020 or email

