
Softball: The Stark Power of Mammals

Dear People,

Congratz to all on last week’s simply sublime 10-inning won-on-the-last-hit 29-28 masterpiece of infracaniophilic athletic bliss. The fact is that this match was not always so glorious, and indeed, as my own team stared into the hideous abyss of a 1st inning 13-0 deficit, I seriously considered invoking a rarely used organizational procedure known as "mercy-trading." Yet despite some initial grumbling, I also knew that we had sufficient internal fiber from deep within our own ranks to claw our way back, and sure enough, what finally did in Jeremy’s team was the ceaseless and awesome power hitting of Ramona, Nanci and Chris D-—our own aerobic Dixie Chicks. Yeah, I still get goose-bumps on my clavicle when thinking of the raw fortitude of the easily underestimated, with their humble ways, coy presence and sudden propensity to give the enemy a really good whuppin’.

In any case, and as some of you may have read in The Chron, over 9,000 people fled the Los Angeles Zoo on Monday after an 80 pound chimpanzee named Gracie escaped from her exhibit.* I fully confess that I’ve never met good ’ol monkey-breath, but I do think that her actions, as morally repugnant as they were, may offer our own community a stern message of prophetic relevance. I say this because I am almost certain that we’ll soon be returning to our beloved Codornices homeland, with its surrounding tundra of feral Yak, Bison and other non-people.

The point is that we may only number 22 per game, but I’d like to think that if some cantankerous Bovine or sassy simian-thing pops out from the bush of deep center-left, we’re not going to suddenly panic and scamper away like a pitiful army of 9,000 Southern California pussies. Indeed, just knowing that it may happen means we can prepare now, and the fact is that if we’re ready, any 15 of us together could probably take it on. I really believe that, and therefore without fear or favor, there will be a game at Codornices this Sunday at 11AM, IF I get enough commits by this Friday morning….Raymond

* http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/news/archive/2004/01/19/state0036EST0112.DTL


Softball: The Promised Land

Dear People,

There will be a game at CODORNICES this Sunday at 11AM, and as of now, there are still five slots left. You are therefore welcome to commit any non-community little people, including, but not limited to, the sundry lawyers, psychiatrists and prison guards who helped you through your ‘nutso years’ back in the early 90s.

This week’s field fee is just $2, and that includes EITHER a delicate buttered scone with fresh dill and curd OR a lime snowcone made from pure organic ice….Raymond 845-7552

PS: If it rains between now and then, you will need to check email on Sunday morning.