January 24, 1998

Softball: To wallow no more

Dear People,

My deepest regrets for the prolonged delay. As one who has assumed personal responsibility for the cardiovascular integrity of you 60+ gentle souls, I can assure you that I am on top of the situation. Yes, you have no doubt grown corpulent and frail from the lack of competitive rigor in your dubious lives, but it is never too late to reverse the relentless march of time, flab and insidious jejunosity. I have no excuses, save the brutal weight of academic burdens that would have crushed lesser peoples into so much organizational dust. And of course the weather, which has been, to say the least, a tad on the shitty side.

Regardless, this is no time to pensively marinate on the lost aerobic opportunities of the recent past. There is work to be done, clarity to be restored, a game to be played. Thus, there will be a softball match this Saturday, February 28th at 3PM at Kleeberger field (South), assuming I get the minimum number of commits required for a quorum by this Friday morning.

This is not the time to worry about the statistical risks of rain or hail, or to retreat into the sullied creases of that overused couch which faces the television. Yes, it is time to grab the bull by the aerobic balls and say "Absolutely, I am somebody, and gosh darn it, I'm going back on that field to play the best softball I've played in my entire life." So make that commit. Do it for Tara Lipinski, Monica Lewinski and Ted Kyzinski, who represent a really diverse range of Polish-American contributions to the national experience....Raymond PS: Please let me know if you would be up for football if we come up short of people or if the weather isn't conducive for softball. Remember, football is all the fun with twice the caloric workout, and like softball, is an excellent source of fiber and calcium.