
Softball: The Logician’s Challenge of Cause and Effect

Dear People,

Congratz to all on last week’s somewhat lopsided yet thoroughly invigorating 32-17 post-effluvial exemplification of all that is righteous and clean about our noble aerobicracy. No doubt that any other peoples would have abandoned the notion of softball as soon as they saw the infield---a frightening quagmire of stillwater shrub bogs, river geese and useless epiphytic flora. Yet, of course, we are not like "other peoples," and if we must dredge by hand, hoe and spoon for 45 minutes in order to transform the muck into a playable foundation, well, then, that’s what we’ll do. I guess that’s just the way we are.

In any case, and as for the game itself, I am not going to resort to desperate theoretical analysis as to why Andy’s team eviscerated my own by a staggering 15 runs. As you know, that’s not my style, and regardless, I’m not even sure it’s relevant that most of his players were in the cushy "supervisorial" roles throughout the exhausting process of pre-game manual scoopage, while virtually all of mine served as the lumpen drainiteriat of the entire landscaping endeavor. True, my little arbeitsgruppe was an effete and pitiful spectacle of utter jejunosity before the first ball of the game was even pitched, but we still played with an understated grace that belied the enervated marrow deep within our bones. And that’s the kind of recreational glory that a score will never reflect.

Regardless, I happen to be recently perusing through my Christmas Holiday Issue of Ocular Immunology when I noticed a captivating article entitled "Resident Tissue Macrophages within the Normal Rat Iris Lack Immunosuppressive Activity and are not Effective Markers of Glutamate Receptivity." Frankly, I thought the entire tone of the title was cocky, and I don’t even know what a macrophage is. But the point is that I thought a lot about that rat, underpaid, probably harassed, and yet despite it all, normal. And then I wondered how many of us are playing the best softball of our lives because we still have stellar optical fundamentals, in large part thanks to the work of the rattmeister and his ilk.

No, you people probably don’t connect the proverbial dots of life the way I feel that I must, and I’m not gonna fault you for that. But I would gently suggest that the next time you see a repulsively rabid wide-eyed rodent scamper across your kitchen floor, you might want to think back on that last triple you hit, and then thank him and his family for the vision that made it possible. And therefore, there will be a game at San Pablo this Sunday at noon, IF I get enough commits by this Friday morning….Ray


Softball: C food

Dear People,

There will be a game at San Pablo this Sunday at noon, and as of now, there are still a few slots left.

Please bring $2 for the field, which for this week only includes a complimentary shank of free-range Corsican grilling squid….Ray