
Softball: The Visit (Some Residual Fraternal Musings on a Certain Genre of Art)

Dear People,

Jeff W’s team rallied late and hard to beat my own 12-8, in one of those taut yet mellifluous matches that are in and of themselves a testament to the indomitable courage of the human spirit. I specifically refer you to the 4th inning, when a light mist under grey clouds suddenly turned ugly and ominous—the eerily darkening skies transforming midday to dusk as a steady and contemptible drizzle threatened every living thing within 25 miles of that magnificent park.

The truth is that other athletes would’ve fled to the interior refuge of a local café, where they could be safe and nurtured with its thatched roofing, hot cocoa and garden strudel. Of course we’re not like “other athletes,” and thus while I dreaded your dramatically increased risk of flu, distemper and scabies, I also knew that you as a people would accept nothing less than a whole and finished match. Indeed, the decision on whether to cancel the game weighed so heavily on my soul that I suddenly found myself thinking of my brother’s depiction of what it’s like to experience a compelling Rothko masterpiece. . .

“There is a moment in looking at these paintings when we stop looking at them and they start looking at us—at, and if we are not careful, if there is not enough of us there, straight through us. We can’t help ourselves: these Rothkos keep bleeding out of aesthetical categories and into ethical ones. Not is it beautiful? But rather, how should one lead one’s life?”*

*Weschler, Lawrence: Everything that Rises: A Book of Convergences (2007), p. 47.

Now obviously your first reaction is to assume that before he goes to a museum, Ren likes to enjoy some really good weed. Maybe, maybe not. Yet I do know that last Sunday at 11:45AM, as I stared into that frightfully dark and rainy nimbostratus coating, I found myself feeling vulnerable and nude, as if the cloud itself were staring directly back at me, right through my exposed bosom and into the essence of who I really am. Yeah, my stoner canvas of choice is nature itself, and therefore there will be a game at Codornices this Sunday at 11AM, IF I get enough commits by this Friday morning…Raymond

PS: A visual overview of those paintings that force you to ponder how you’re leading your life. . .


PPS: One more perspective of relevance. . .



Softball: Faith in the Sun

Dear People,

There will (hopefully) be a game at Codornices this Sunday at 11AM, and as of now there are still six slots left. You are therefore welcome to commit anybody you know, so long as they are not a sociopath.

You will need to check your email that morning if there is a lot of rain between now and then or if conditions are ambiguous. Assume nothing, since Codornices has excellent drainage and as you know, we are a stout and hearty people by both birth and temperament.

$4 for the field, moist though she may be…Raymond 845-7552

PS: Nanci Pecker, the semi-retired moral-backbone-emeritus of our entire community has rooms for rent!….

I am looking for 2 housemates to share my Emeryville manse, which is a short walk from Pixar. Rent is $700/month plus some utilities. Bath is shared with one other person. It's a nice place to live, especially if you’re a dog lover! If interested, you can contact me at (510) 655-9991 or nanci_g_p@yahoo.com