
Softball: Home Delayed (Another Cantata of the Bitter Herbs)

Dear People,

As you know, we got totally hosed last week, so let me cut straight to the chase: There are reasons I've never been a big fan of 'nature' (with, among other things, her hideous rodentia, mass-extinction-triggering meteorites and nettlesome non-gonococcal urethritus). Still, until just a few hours ago, I was planning to wax sincerely poetic about the unparalleled pulchritude of our cherished Codornices Park, given that her lush tundra of soaring redwoods and voluptuous succulents is so dang majestic that the only way to truly describe her is to call her what she is-God's Country. Or perhaps Yakville.

Unfortunately, she is also a part and parcel of the grand Gaia, and as such, she's clearly oblivious to the yearnings of our people as a softball-playing folk. Yeah, it's now a paragraph later, so let me cut straight to the chase: The City of Berkeley has informed me that Codornices will remain closed until the first week of March because her tender little newly sown savanna remains immature and fragile. In other words, she has utterly failed as a sod, and as her communal lover, it's we who must now endure the heart break, the waiting, and perhaps worst of all, the realization that in the grand scheme of the natural world, under-motivated lazy-ass grasses are no less a bummer than hideous rodentia, mass-extinction-triggering meteorites and nettlesome non-gonococcal urethritus. Frankly, we have a lot to ponder.

Even worse, the City has told me that while San Pablo #1 and Grove Park will also remain closed thru February, San Pablo #2 and James Kenny Fields will both be occupied for the next two Sundays by a mysterious city-registered baseball-league of brazenly shameless pre-pubescent land thieves. This means that Berkeley has once again left us scrambling without an aerobic homeland, as if a modern-day nutso Nebuchadnezzar hidden deep within the bowels of the Bates administration were out to scatter us across the nations, or at least the surrounding cities. Of course that's totally fine, because as you know, we're a stout, gritty and Nebu-defying people by both birth and temperament, and therefore there will be a game at North Oakland's magnificently adequate Bushrod Field (#1 or #2 or wherever else we can squat within the broader park complex) this Sunday at 11, IF I get enough commits by this Friday morning . . . Raymond


Softball: Oaktown Again

Dear People,

There will be a game at North Oakland's eerily Monetesque Bushrod Field this Sunday at 11, and as of now there are still two slots left.

If possible, please get there by 10:30 for batting practice so that we can minimize the odds of a rare cataclysmic seizure of both diamonds by a presumptuous softball-hostile cabal of various other softball players (As always, I'll also be scouting out a third backup field that morning to virtually guarantee that one way or another, you will not be denied your vital aerobic release) . . . Raymond 845-7552

PS: To get to Bushrod, take Telegraph to 61st and turn West toward the Bay: http://www.yelp.com/biz/bushrod-park-oakland