
Softball: Hong Kong

Dear People,

My team crushed Steve Schliff’s under the pounding hard mist of a treacherous East Bay ’morn, 18-14, but that’s irrelevant now. The fact is that Jonny showed up after eight long months away, and when I first spied the lithe protrusion of his gorgeous JoBurg-Yankee-Aussie belly, mine eyes burst wide with a joyous river of pure emotive tear juice. But that’s not relevant either.

What matters now is that by the time you read this, I’ll likely be on my way to Asia, seeking out new and exotic locales in which to expand our burgeoning softball franchise. In my absence, Chris Fure will be in charge, and what he says goes (unless of course he says something really stupid or unreasonable, in which case you should just tell him to get real).

SO, do the right thing and send your commits to him. He should be writing you soon, but if he ends up having email issues and you don’t hear anything by Wednesday evening, you can write him directly at:


The point is that you don’t want to send your commits to me, because that would show that you’re “not paying attention” or “digitally retarded” or “a real dufus in every way, shape and form.”

Back in a couple weeks/Godspeed…Ray