April 7, 1999

Diplomacy and Glory

Dear People,

Congratz to all on last Sunday's outrageously magnificent won- on-the-last-catch 17-16 display of nail-biting aerobic theater, culminated as it was deep within the peculiar milieu of an on-going soccer game. That two distantly related peoples of such seemingly hostile athletic ideologies could occupy the same territory for nearly an entire half inning suggests that cravings for peaceful co-existence are found deep within the id-bearing cerebelli of all true athletes. Of course the calamitous potential of such a stirring recreational climax will hopefully highlight the need for a somewhat more determined approach to punctuality, for indeed, when Ray writes "Remember, 2:00 is just like 2:17, except 17 minutes earlier," you can now see that he really has good reasons for doing so. Really.

In any case, this Saturday will mark the 62nd anniversary of the death of Lady Baldwin, the legendary Detroit Wolverines pitcher who won 42 games in 1886, which is still the most ever for a left handed pitcher in a single season! As a southpaw myself, I get a bit emotional thinking of all the doors that he has opened for me personally, and I do wonder why the stature he deserves remains so elusive. Perhaps 'ol Lady was a victim of his very name, which admittedly, lacks the manly phonetic feel of "Lou" or "Hank." To be honest, until I read about him in my Sports Illustrated Baseball Calendar, I always thought Lady Baldwin was an award winning racehorse.

Nevertheless, I now know that he was not equine, but all man, and I for one plan to honor him in the best way I know how. Therefore, there will be a game this SATURDAY, April 10th, at 1PM at KLEEBERGER SOUTH, IF I get enough commits by this Friday noon.

So make that commit. Do it for Lady Baldwin, whose parents were clearly among the most gender-insensitive in the history of 19th century American athletics...Raymond