
Softball: Distracted

Dear People,

Jeff W’s team beat my own 24-18, which is all the more frustrating since we maintained a commanding 17-17 lead as late as the 7th. C’est la vie.
Alas, both the clutter in my head and the state of the world are giving me writer’s block, but rather than abandon you totally, I will leave you with three more of my favorite videos, all of which, in their own way, cry out for mirth, song and ever more unaffiliated email-organized softball…

http://youtube.com/watch?v=pj_DtxA5UzE (mirth)

http://youtube.com/watch?v=pBqPHJhmFHo (song)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv6RRBeR0Ko (ever more unaffiliated email-organized softball, especially if your woman is treating you so dang poorly)


…Yeah, I think you see how the dots all connect. And therefore there will be a game at Codorncies this Sunday at 11, IF I get enough commits by this Friday morning…Raymond


Softball: Reputations

Dear People,

There will be a game at Codornices this Sunday at 11AM, and as of now, there are still four slots left. Please note that if the it rains a lot between now and then, you’ll need to check email that morning.

This week’s field fee is just $3, and that includes my personal guarantee that none of your strike-outs, egregious fielding errors or other reflections of dubious athletic competence will ever appear on youtube ….Ray

Softball: 9:00AM: Earth Day: Drainage rocks!!/Bring tools!

I am delighted to report that Codornices is as playable and glorious as it is damp and somewhat mushy. If you have a shovel or hoe (the innocent, metal kind) please bring it since there are a couple nasty puddles near home plate and 3rd.
Yes, there are still some contemptible nimbostratus clouds threatening from the North, but if not us, who? If not today at 11AM, when?!

Life is risk!/Carpe Diem!/No excuses!/See you at 11/One slot left! …Ray 845-7552