
Softball: Abstract Musings on Where we Stand, Post-Abbottabad

Dear People,

In one of those ironic masterpieces in which rarefied pitching excellence makes for a soporific aerobic gestalt (a 'snoozer,' as the critics might say), Chris Fure's team barely held off my own, 7-5. Both the Furinator himself and Alan Brill were dazzling on the mound, though frankly, I believe the Brillopad's Baryshikovian tossing style-with its gorgeous Pas de Poisson in nearly shameless abundance-creates a more deeply satisfying performance for both players and fans alike. Of course, pitching is not about aesthetics, but rather raw unvarnished results, and the hard reality is that Chris got the well-deserved win over Alan with greater grit, sharper focus and his uncanny exploitation of the fact that hitter for hitter, my side sucked more.

In any case, each of these athletes is a towering symbol of the kinesiological liberties we usually take for granted, and that's why I'd like to add my own brief perspective on the recent offing of the noted medieval douche bucket, Osama bin Läderhosen. The fact is that as a freedom-loving email-organized softball-playing people, we're clearly both safer and freer than we were just four days ago. Nevertheless, OBL was just one of many perils that we've faced over the years, from softball-despising soccer players to hostile Berkeley city bureaucrats to the ceaseless threat of both earthquakes and locusts.

The point is that as our community enters its 14th year, we can honor the events of this past week by never forgetting what Ty Cobb told James Madison way back in the day. “The price of every game” he wrote with chilling prophecy, “is nothing less than eternal recreational vigilance.” To be sure, I could gingerly speculate that Osama bin Ladenbucket would not have been such a sociopathic a-hole if he had hung out with Ty Cobb and James Madison, but as a widely esteemed scholar, I can really only defer to the inscrutable enigmas of hallucinatory counter-factual history. And therefore there will be a game at Grove Park this Sunday at 4PM, IF I get enough commits by this Friday morning… Raymond


Softball: Chemistry

Dear People,

There will be a game at Grove Park this Sunday at 4PM, and as of now there is still one tiny little slot left.

This week's field fee is just $4, and that includes a complimentary sampling tray of ingrediants from my own tea leaf shampoo, including Dimethicone Bisamino Hydroxypropyl, Guar Hydroxypropyltrimonium Chloride, and for this week only, Yellow No. 5….Raymond 845-7552