May 5, 1997

Softball: A Noble Calling

Dear People,

It is with a sense of truly tingly cyberspacial enthusiasm, wholly within the robust athletic context of which we muse, that I would like to announce that there will be a softball game on Saturday at 4pm at Corneisses Field (Across from the Rose Garden), so long as at least 16 of the 28 people on this carefully nurtured list get back to me by Thursday night (5/8), confirming their intentions to join the fray.

Well organized regularly scheduled softball games require just a tad of a patina of cooperation on your part; Please check your e-mail more than once every Presidential administration, and please respond by the requested time (in this case, by Thursday). You should sign your name, and let me know if you're bringing anybody who isn't on the list. Even if you don't plan to play, a one sentence communique summarizing the logic of your shameful decision would be nice. In any case, I will let you know on Friday if the game is on.

That's it; I have a dream that one day, our children will be judged not by the ineptitude of their organizational sloth, nor the effete celerity of their malignent indolence, but rather, yes rather, the agility and grace with which they played the national pasttime.

Let's make it so. Wuv….Ray