
Softball: Another Milestone Noted (And then Some)

Dear People,

Frank got on base in the bottom of the 8th, and yet, against all odds, he didn’t do anything stupid. And therefore there will be a game at Codornices this Sunday at 11AM, IF I get enough commits by this Friday morning…Ray

PS: To be honest, I might not have even noticed if Alan Miller hadn’t pointed it out, but regardless, this unprecedented development wasn’t the only reason my team crushed Ehud’s, 22-12. The fact is that despite the ferocity of their power hitters and the Je-ne-sais-quoi of their defense, I think my side was simply hungrier, more determined, and frankly, more lathered up in the belly, if you will.

I refer you in particular to Chris ‘skedaddle boy’ Fure, who had earlier found himself in the most astonishing pickle I’d ever witnessed, what with Ehud, Tucker, and Kira all hunting him down as if he were that night’s supper of grilled rodent with onions. In all candor, it was an utterly distressing scene, and yet the Furinator continued to dart, pivot and reverse with such dogged resolve that I was able to finish my New York Review of Books by the time it actually ended. Indeed, Chris stood up to the cynics, doubters and naysayers and eventually drew the inevitable wild overthrow on his 43rd runback to 2nd, thereby allowing him a final transcendent sprint to home—triumphant, proud and ready to hurl.


Softball: Maternal

Dear People,

There will be a game at Codornices this Sunday at 11AM, and as of now, there are still four slots left.

Please bring $3 for the field, which includes my special post-game Mother’s Day demonstration of the Lamaze birthing technique, with special emphasis on the birthing pail, and if necessary, general anesthesia until the kid is 18…Ray 845-7552

PS: My dysfunctional family in comparative perspective:
