Softball: Impressions ("Why don’t you write about me?")

Dear People,

Congratz to all on last week’s frolic-filled bacchanal of nutritive aerobic mirth. Chris Fure’s team edged out my own in a spleen-chillin’ 24-18 pitcher’s duel, but this weekend, it simply wasn’t an issue of victory or defeat, as if my side could somehow "lose." For in the end, we were all part of the same majestic community, and that, of course, was felt in the genteel glory of the post-game grill, with its succulent cornucopia of braised waterfowl, fresh caribou and Tilden Park rutting squab.

Indeed, it was grand to just sit around on those blankets while talking about truth and justice and beauty, and yes, everything about it felt like we were living out our destiny in the Monetesque remains of that magnificent day. Except for Jony’s cigar, of course, which lingered about the grounds like a subtle cloud of rancid skunk spray. Only more vile.

Still, I’m not going to cast aspersions, for this towering icon of South African studitude has become one of the most beloved and consistent hitters in our league, and except for that one little time when he hurled a ball straight into Deb’s forehead, Jony has rarely injured any other players. Sure, the accent is ridiculous and his mastery of the game’s most basic rules is clearly beyond his ken, but I cannot in good conscience accept the growing chorus of pleas for his immediate deportation. Next time, however, the stinky phallic stalk will be confiscated, and therefore there will be a game at Codornices this Sunday at 11AM, IF I get enough commits by this Friday morning…Raymond


Softball: Governance

Dear People,

There will be a game at Codorncies this Sunday at 11:00, and as of now, there are still four slots left.

Please bring $2 for the field, which is an admittedly oppressive and confiscatory tax, and yet one that is the inevitable price we pay for both aerobic civilization and lush, verdant sod….Raymond 845-7552