Softball: Scary

Dear People,

First things first—Ramona will be perfectly fine, but she certainly learned a powerful lesson in the 7th inning of last week’s game, and that lesson is this; There’s simply no point in trying to stop a blistering line drive with your maxilla, nasal concha or zygomatic bone, and that’s even if you are in deep right field and it’s already bounced off the first hop. In any case, by the time I arrived at the emergency room, the danger had passed, she was in good cheer, and the black’n’blue bruise just below her right eye had morphed into a classic Rorschach test of stark multicolored beauty (Personally, I saw within that swollen shiner nothing less than Jackson Pollock’s most stirring work).

This last game was in fact replete with high aerobic drama, and even though my team lost to Jeff’s, 24-19, I feel privileged just to have been there. Beyond Ramona’s heroic facial defense, special kudos go out to Dave K, who blasted his first home run ever after eight wondrous years with this community! This merely added to the richness of life, for just a couple days earlier Dave and his wife ended their three-year search for a house by buying a modest Berkeley bungalow for just over the $8.5 billion asking price. Coincidence? Perhaps, although I happen to think that there’s nothing like the thrill of a dainty little sanity-crushing mortgage to focus the athletic mind. And therefore there will be a game at San Pablo #2 this Sunday at 11AM, IF I get enough commits by this Friday morning…Raymond


Softball: Safety

Dear People,

There will be a game at San Pablo #2 this Sunday at 11AM, and as of now, there are still four slots left.

This week’s field fee is just $2, and in light of last week’s close call, that includes a complimentary Yamaha motorcycle helmet and optional all natural-fiber groining cup….Raymond 845-7552