
Softball: Homeward Bound

Dear People,

Michael Tucker's team denarded my side's robust offensive potential, and in so doing, gave Alan Brill one of the most stunning triumphs in the history of this community, 10-3. Yeah, we had Steve Powers and Chris Fure and Albert and Frank, among others, and yet for seven scoreless innings, we simply couldn't overcome their morale-crushing fielding nor the Brillster's insidious repertoire of curve, spit and double-dipped grease balls-Hurled as they were with his inimitable Rond de jambe en l'air (which, for the record, creates a more nuanced and disturbing pitch than his previous flirtations with the Demi-grand rond de jambe). To be sure, the BrilloPad's magic comes from how he blends the craft of sheer Baryshnikovian artistry with that Palinian fire in the belly, though for what it's worth, even he can't do this…


In any case, it's now been three long months since we were brutally kicked off our cherished aerobic homeland, and while other leagues would've cracked under the stress of such a calamitous Diaspora, we remain as vibrant, vital and ready to boogie as ever. This is, of course, how it should be, for my sources tell me that every pulchritudinous blade of her verdant innocence has been fully restored and yearns for our long-awaited return. And therefore there will be a game at CODORNICES this Sunday at 11AM (which is just like Grove at 4PM except it's actually two miles North and five hours earlier), IF I get enough commits by this Friday morning….Raymond

PS: The Candidacy I Crave….



Softball: The Jewel of North Berkeley

Dear People,

There will hopefully be a game at CODORNICES this Sunday at 11AM, and as of now, there are still five slots left. Unfortunately, there are stupid rumors going around that it may rain between now and then, but my sources at the meteorological desk of the Latvian consulate in Livermore assure me that it will be sporadic drizzles at most, and that regardless, it will be glorious come Sunday. Nevertheless, if it does rain a lot between now and then or conditions are ambiguous that morning, you will need to check email around 10AM. Courage.

Assuming it happens, please bring $4 for the field, which for this week only includes a last-chance opportunity to rub your yearnful naked toes in her verdant virginal sod before those magnificent blades of grass are once again sullied by soccer players, croquet fanatics and sundry other unappreciative heathens…Raymond 845-7552