
Softball: One Quarter Her Glory (Time to Grill!)

Dear People,

My team held off Tony Mac's 14-11, in one of those totally riveting matches that leaves me wondering why our national cable ratings remain so stubbornly low. Chris Fure was particularly superb on the mound, intrepidly facing down the veritable murderer's row of Greg 'one-ciggy-per-homer' Laddish, Steve Powers and of course, the Macman himself. That the Furinator emerged from it all physically unscathed is a testament to his bionic-like reflexes, and in some ways, a fitting reflection of the fact that this entire community continues to grow ever greater as we relentlessly ripen into our pertly adolescence. Yeah, pertly.

The point is that I've been feeling pretty darn verklempt in knowing that Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee is coinciding with our own Quinceañera! Oh sure, some snarky little cynics may claim that the British Royal Family is a dumbass medieval institution that has no rational basis for having outlasted feudalism, chastity belts or scurvy, but those people are clearly Anglophobic party-poopers who just don't get it. Personally, my eyes moisten and my bosom quivers whenever I see Her Royal Highness coyly waving to her subjects, and if you must know, I've often thought of myself as nothing less than an honorary member of the House of Windsor (or Hanover or Stuart or perhaps Gables---I don't really follow the lineage thing). And therefore there will be a game at Codornices this Sunday at 11AM, FOLLOWED BY a succulent 15th anniversary bring-your-own-meat potluck barbecue, IF I get enough commits by this Friday morning. …Raymond

PS: Please let me know if you're coming to the Barbie (your friends, family and embittered ex-lovers are always welcome), and if so, what communal contribution you plan to bring. Highly recommended offerings include grills, coal and lighter fluid, blankets to sit on, paper towels, plates and cups, tons of ice, soft drinks, juices, beer, more ice (bonus points if finely crushed), spatulas, real knives and plastic silverware, side salads, fine breads and cheeses, condiments, onions, mayo, brownies, other sundry desserts, assorted fresh fruit, raw vegetables, and if you're really feeling inspired by the Queen's magnificent 60th (and who isn't?!), a classic Cornwallian fry-up of Haggis, Laverbread and fresh Spotted Dick. Yeah, fresh Spotted Dick.


Softball: Quickly from Boalt

Dear People

There will be a game at Codornices this Sunday at 11AM, followed by a pot-luck barbecue, and as of now, it is already full. :-( As always, please let me know ASAP if you committed and need to cancel, and if you still want in, feel free to get on the wait list or contact me later for news of reopened slots (This week in particular, I expect a bit of roster churn). And remember that even if you don't play in the game, you are welcome to join us at the barbie for Haggis, Laverbread and fresh Spotted Dick. Yeah, fresh Spotted Dick.

$4 for the field/See ya Sunday...Ray 845-7552