
Softball: The Varieties of Legacy

Dear People,

Congratz to all on last week's riveting 17-14 kaleidoscope of feral athletic excellence. Once again, the game's ever shifting zeitgeist seemed to ricochet with such intensity of aerobic focus that the climactic final inning seemed to almost bleed amorphously into the parched Cordonices infield, a dusty hallucinogenic implosion of recreational time and space. Yes, it was frightening, but the personal growth that comes with kinesiological catharthi always is.

In any case, and as many of you probably know, this Saturday, June 12th, is the 64th anniversary of the birth of Dick "stonefingers" Stuart, the famed Phillies first baseman who committed more errors than any other first baseman in professional baseball for SEVEN seasons in a row, from 1958 to 1964! Ya know, sometimes I get
a bit overwhelmed when I think of the relentless pace of social and technological change in all of our lives, but then I always find solace in 'ol stoneyfingers, whose consistent ineptitude for so many years running offers a rare glimpse into the gentle emollient of stability itself. Therefore, in honor of this towering but inexplicably forgotten icon, there will be a game this Saturday at 5:00 at Codornices Park, IF I get enough commits by this Friday noon....Raymond

PS: In a somewhat troubling display of communal senility, four bats and one mitt were left behind at the game. I have seized them under the doctrine of adverse possession, but am willing to negotiate.