
Softball: Theoretical Observations

Dear People,

There will be a softball game next Saturday, August 2nd, at 4pm
at Kleeberger Field, IF I get at least 16 commits by this Thursday night.

Before signing off, I must once again offer congratz to all on our breathtaking ten inning paragon of softball excellence. With Saturday's 9-8 cliffhanger, the residual athletic existentialism of the distant Astroturf/lawn debates has been replaced by a renewed sense of competitive clarity and vigor. History moves so fast; I get teary-eyed just thinking about "Shoeless Joe" Jackson and how proud he would have been. Had he been alive last weekend, he would have no doubt rubbed his naked little feet into the lush natural rubbers of Kleeberger's infield, and felt calmly at peace with all that we have accomplished as a modern softball-playing people....Ray