
Softball: Melbourne (A Wondrous Fluke before his Longest Flight)

Dear People,

Chris Fure’s team diss-crushed my own, 16-7, but the moral victory goes to my side for having pulled off our first community triple play in over four years! Even more startling, it was Jonny himself—hung over, melon-bellied and jejune as always—who suddenly struck with the sublime ferocity of a Lithuanian river rhino in its stark athletic prime. With laser-like focus, our hero trapped a low 5th inning blast to short, tagged Dave K on the run-by, sprinted to 2nd, made the force on Alan Brill, and then, in one of the most God-like throws in the history of human sport, nailed Deb at 1st with steps to spare!

Yeah, I still get verklempt thinking about the raw aerobic pulchritude of it all. And I do mean verklempt, for as many of you know, our next game will be Jonny’s very last one before he moves to Australia, eight glorious years since he first joined our ranks. Now look, I’m not gonna get all weepy on you and spew out some delusional athletic hagiography, for the hard reality is that despite his disarming South African charms and a full decade in the States, he remains a curiously ineffectual player, and thus naturally, a profound disappointment to all his friends, lovers and kin back in Jo’Burg. “I had such high hopes when he made the big move to Frisco,” his beloved mother wistfully told me last week, “and yet for all his fecklessness, he’ll still always be my greatest source of joy in this long and mortal coil.”

To be sure, there is no greater love than that of an adoring mom for her disturbingly flawed progeny, and therefore there will be a game at Codornices this Sunday at 11AM, FOLLOWED BY an Australian-style bring-your-own-meat potluck barbecue, IF I get enough commits by this Friday morning….Raymond

PS: Please let me know if you're coming to the barbie (friends and family are welcome), and if so, what communal contribution you plan to bring. Highly recommended offerings include grills/coal/lighter fluid, blankets to sit on, tables, paper towels/plates/cups, tons of ice, soft drinks, juices, beer, more ice, spatulas, real knives and plastic silverware, side salads, fine breads and cheeses, condiments, onions, mayo, brownies, cake, homemade ethnic entrees that Uncle Nutso used to cherish, more ice, chips, assorted fresh fruit, raw vegetables, AND, if you’re really feeling Aussie, braised salt water crocodile testes with capers and porcini mushrooms, all artfully served under a generous patina of Coral Sea kale.


Softball: Another Era Ends

Dear People,

There will be a game at Codornices this Sunday at 11AM, followed by a delicious bring-your-own-meat-or-equivalent pot-luck barbecue. There are still two slots left for the game, the barbie is open to anyone reading this (please bring something yummy or practical), and if our bellies aren’t too stuffed, we might continue to frolic with ultimate frisbee or a possible second match of softball. Eventually, we will gather around the campfire and sing “Leaving on a Jet Plane” as Jonny writhes on the lush centerfield grasses—his t-shirt pulled up suggestively to show off his glorious “Eight Months Prego” physique.

$3 for the field/Australia sucks/See ya Sunday…Ray 845-7552