
Softball: Really, Really White

Dear People,

My team was sharper, sassier and simply better organized to deal with victory as a basic conceptual imperative, and thus we staved off Jeff W’s contingent of aerobically aimless losers, 18-15. I’m sorry if that sounds harsh, but I have to call it the way I see it, and I happen to think that robust organizational focus is what allows human civilization to soar above, say, the languishing aphid, yak and rodent societies.

And no, I'm not just writing this as a cheapo segue into the official website of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, the lovely Arkansan couple who just had their 17th child last month. Now normally I would think that 17 children is perhaps a bit "excessive" or "ecologically frisky" or even "procreativity psychotic," but then I examined their cite more thoroughly and I realized that if Jeff W had been as organized in assembling his lineup and infield as Jim Bob is in organizing the familial day, then perhaps his team wouldn't have lost 18-15. We’ll never know for sure, of course, but take a look at this:


Now look, stop being so lazy and really scrutinize their daily routine, as outlined between the third and seventh paragraphs. Personally, I would replace the post-Biblical 8:00 snack time with a vigorous game of softball (they do, after all, have enough players), but I can’t fault the JimBobster for his overall structure.

I guess the point is that the great German filmmaker Werner Herzog had it basically right several decades ago, when he casually noted that “although Americans believe they are normal, they are in fact the most exotic people on earth.” I think he meant that with a certain whimsical affection, and therefore there will be a game at Codornices this Sunday at 11AM, IF I get enough commits by this Friday morning…Raymond


Softball: A Rare Opening of the Gates

Dear People,

There will be game at Codornices this Sunday at 11AM, and as of now there are, curiously, seven slots still left. You are therefore welcome to commit—for the first time this year—any of the non-community commoners you know who have always yearned to play, but who were boxed out by the haughty and exclusive nature of our aerobic meritocracy.

This week’s field fee is just $3, but please note that there is a group of 25 adult kickball (!!) players who have the field reserved after us. This means that I expect to see your cherubic little faces at 10:59, which is just like 11:17 except that it’s actually 18 minutes earlier…Ray 845-7552