
Softball: Hormones

Dear People,

First things first; At this very moment, I am writing you from the dark and clammy dungeon of my sister's Seattle home, where I am toiling thanklessly on our next book about teenage girls and their utterly fascinating menstrual cycles. I have to tell you, sometimes I'll find myself with a sudden rush of nearly paralyzing writer's block, and I'll realize it's because for all my so-called expertise, I don't really "know" what it is to truly experience the joys of mittelschmerz or ovulatory spotting or even a good 'ol fashioned LH Surge (though I imagine it must feel quite tingly indeed).

In any case, the point is that Nanci knows all this well, but beyond that rich and vital resume of proud bioChickitude, she now also knows the sheer majesty and terror of captainship itself. The fact is that I gave her less than two minutes notice before she suddenly found herself managing a motley contingent of befuddled aerobic rogues, and yet, in her debut performance, she performed with such immense grace and poise that she nearly redefined the limits of experimental virgin leadership. Of course, in the end, she had the fearsome firepower of Matt and Jonny and Jeff W. on her side, and nevertheless, her team still went down in flames, 18-14.

Perhaps it wasn't all Nanci's fault, in that it's possible my side prevailed simply because Matt and Jonny and Jeff W. were all stuck in their luteal phases. I honestly don't know, but I for one am willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. And therefore there will be a game at Codornices this Sunday at 11, IF I get enough commits by this Friday morning, AND I am able to escape from the ghastly confines of my current literary imprisonment….Raymond


Softball: Desperate


Still imprisoned in Sis's dungeon. STOP. Being worked to death. STOP.
Desperate escape attempt later today. STOP. Four slots left/$3 for the field. STOP. Please call SEATTLE police if I fail to show up Sunday. STOP. God speed. STOP