
Softball: Hints of Cognitive Overload

Dear People,

My team trounced Chris Fure's in a robust demonstration of stirring aerobic focus, 12-9, but I happen to believe we did so in a tender and empathetic way that maintained their inherent dignity as total losers. And therefore there will be a game at Codornices this Sunday at 11, IF I get enough commits by this Friday morning . . . Raymond

PS: Now look: I can assure you that I haven't become some kind of callously indifferent jerkwad who's suddenly decided to ignore your long-standing pre-commit cravings to be wooed, and woo'd hard. Indeed, you're a yearnful folk by both temperament and expectation, and I certainly get that.

The problem, though, is that I can't find the stupid score sheet from last week's game, and even worse, I'm swamped under an imminent deadline for 500+ pages of 4th-edition book galleys (In fairness, most of those pages deal with such utterly compelling topics as the effects of various over-the-counter drugs on cervical fluid patterns, so it's not like my Reagan-era decision to get clipped at age 23 would ironically correlate with my current struggles against consistent post-edit comatosis).

PPS: It just occurred to me that next Monday is Labor Day, which is a particularly poignant holiday this year because two of our community's finest---Kira and Olga---will soon be going into labor! So yeah, before you decide that you're not going to play this week because you supposedly don't feel the love, I would gently suggest that there are better ways to salve your psychic wounds than dissing the procreative eggwhite-rich softball-awesome mothers-to-be of the entire Western world. But ya know, that's just me.


Softball: A Sustained Uptick in Demand

Dear People,

There will be a game at Codornices this Sunday at 11AM, and as of now it is full (again!). As always, please let me know ASAP if you committed and need to cancel, and if you still want in, feel free to get on the wait list or contact me later for news of reopened slots.

This week's field fee is just $4, which I happen to think is a small price to pay for over two hours of joyous aerobic frolicking with 21 of the finest people you've ever known, loved or yearned to avoid . . . Raymond 845-7552

PS: My Generation (in all its varied glory) . . .



