
Softball: Blabber

Dear People,

Congratz to all on last week’s 13-9 Vermeeresque excursion into the rarefied canvas of nearly flawless aerobic exhilaration. The bottom of the 8th was particularly magnificent, for it was then, trailing by four and with two out, that John’s team re-birthed itself whole from the suckpit of despair. In chilling fashion, they loaded the bases and brought their tying runner to the plate, the sheer will of their momentum now threatening to destroy all before it. My brittle mind began to crack under the strain, yet as we dug in from our respective ramparts, I sensed the collective mental Zen of my entire team with me. We were, if you will, nothing less than recreational Borg.

In any case, as time suddenly froze, a young virgin lorikeet chirped in the distance. And then, as their most fearsome slugger sent the potentially cataclysmic orb rocketing toward deep center left, all that remained was the startling epiphany of consciousness itself. It was a defining and truly sublime moment, although personally, I felt like throwing up. Alas, however, it was all for not, and as that last streaking trajectory met it’s leathery Newtonian demise, my eyes welled up with ceaseless rivulets of emotive flow.

The 9th inning came and went uneventfully, and thus we had survived and matured as a people, and indeed, many among my teammates have gone on to flourish in finance, fine grains and lingerie. And therefore, there will be a game at Codornices this Sunday at 5:00, IF I get enough commits by this Friday morning….Ray

PS: After inadvertently stumbling on to dumblaws.com, it has come to my attention that the city code of Chico explicitly states that the detonation of a nuclear device within city limits is punishable by a fine of up to $500. Although I happen to have serious Second Amendment concerns, I believe that we as a community should follow Chico’s lead. Thus, as of next week, I will not allow the detonation of any nuclear devices once the first pitch is thrown.


Softball: The Ruthless Logic of Limits

Dear People,

There will be a game at Codornices this Sunday at 5:00, but alas, for those who dawdled, all 22 slots have already been taken. As you can imagine, I grieve, but I will not budge.

Please bring $2 for the field, as well as the appropriate level of guilt for those left behind….Raymond 845-7552

PS: As always, commits should contact me asap if they need to cancel, and those shut out are always welcome to call for news of openings.