September 17, 1997

Softball: A Promised Land of our Own

Dear People,

To those of you lefty-Berkeley-secular-humanist types who still deny the existence of higher being, I offer you the following news:

An aerobic angel of mercy, reduced to grief by this week's devastating announcement that we were once again left homeless, wandering aimlessly in a deep metaphoric outfield not of our own making, has informed me that she could reserve a huge, lush, all-organic-freshly-hewn-grazing softball field in Albany, a mere 5-10 minute drive from our usual homeland. Although I haven't seen it, she assures me that it is all we could ask for, w/ no puddles, mud, rocks, dog shit or the usual insidious flotsam of Berkeley's underfunded herbal pits. I say we go for it.

Therefore, there WILL be a softball game this Saturday at 5PM, at Memorial Park in Albany, if I get the usual number of commits by tomorrow night. I need to know by Friday early morning at the very latest, so that we can reserve the field, which incidentally, will be $16, or $1 a person. Parking is free. Life is good. I'll give exact instructions once I know the game is a go-ahead.

Yes, I realize we're late in the week, and Albany is a strange and exotic land that few of us know well, and that 5pm is not 4pm, and that change is never easy. But I want you to look into your hearts and do the right thing. Make that commit. Do it for Roberto Clemente, whose baseball journey from the Dominican Republic to the Pittsburg Pirates exposed him to a culture shock perhaps even greater than the one we will endure in moving from Berkeley to Albany. I think you see my point. Best regards...Ray (845-7552)