Softball: Delaware

Dear People,

In a magical display of both taut competitive rigor and chilling athletic excellence, my team staved off Chris Fure’s with a final-inning dollop of rally-rejectin’ kick-ass, 9-8. Nevertheless, the most glorious performance was within the Furinator’s own ranks, as Tony “Capeman” Weatheroy had a record-breaking three assists from the outfield!! The fact is that I didn’t even know such stirring acts of assistance were conceptually discrete, but now that I’ve seen it several times in a single game, I believe they are among the 37 most spine-tingling achievements in all the annals of Western Sport.

Of course the Capeman was stuck on Chris’s team, so his brilliance was all for not (or knot, or naught—I honestly don’t remember). Steve Seskin, on the other hand, was not only critical to our ultimate triumph, but he also served as a gentle reminder that there is something both noble and compelling about the dazzling Hooveresque suckage of a catcher defying his own expectations. Indeed, I still get chills thinking about how he snagged that 7th-inning run-killing bullet from distant center-left, for in doing what he did, good ’ol Glue-Glove pulled off what I now believe is the most tender consummation of an act of outfield assistage in the history of our game. Yeah, call me a maudlin buffoon if you must, but that’s what I believe.

The point is that I think there will always be scorn for those who look differently at the discomforting issues of life’s rich pageant, and in my opinion, that’s why Christine O'Donnell is such a wank-off hating target of the lame stream media. And therefore there will be a game at Codornices this Sunday at 11, IF I get enough commits by this Friday morning…Ray

PS: The city of Berkeley will soon be engaging in another round of its ceaseless disrespect for us as a people, which is to say that they will be reserving our homeland for the Berkeley-Albany Girl’s Softball League from 12-6, on October 3rd and 17th. For those days, I am inclined to still have the games at Codornices, from 10Am to Noon, but if you prefer to play at Grove Field from 4 to 6PM (at MLK and Russell), let me know. No, it’s not easy being us.


Softball: Hawking, Redux

Dear People,

There will be a game at Codornices this Sunday at 11, and as of now it is full. As always, please let me know ASAP if you committed and need to cancel, and feel free to get on a wait list or contact me later for reopened slots.

This week’s field fee is just $4, and that includes a wonderful post-game symposium on the 3rd, 8th and 11th dimensions of non-perturbative string theory, with a special focus on your delightfully surprising role within them…Raymond 845-7552

PS: Shooting for Chris Fure’s film on a cosmologically related topic has been postponed, so no matter how badly you want to be star, do not show up at Codornices this Saturday morning.