
Softball: To Stantch the Inertia, Waster of Muscle

Dear People,

It is early Friday morning and the good news is that I have a wondrous and nurturing field tentatively reserved for tomorrow at 11AM. As many of you may remember, giant Bushrod Field in North Oakland, nestled snugly between Telegraph and Shattuck and 59th and 60th, is a welcoming and verdant land that is perfect for both playing softball and working out your cattle.

The disconcerting news is that as of now, we are still SEVERAL players short of a quorum, and without that, I don't pay for the field and the game doesn't happen. I realize that East Bay skies are currently covered with an ominous gray layer of moisture-filled larvae that only adds to your insecurities, but on this, the 47th anniversary of Bobby 'the trout' Thompson's legendary 9th-inning game-winning homer, fear and paralysis are hardly viable options. So don't you worry your little heads about the weather, because I have that under control. Make that commit. Do it now. Do it for Bobby "the trout" Thompson, who scoffed at both rain and opposing pitchers with the same inspirational contempt...Ray

PS: I will not be able to organize a game next week, which you may want to factor in when calculating the costs of your own inexcusable athletic apathy.