
Softball: A Tactical Foray into Pre-Winter Stoutification

Dear People,

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking “What kind of sicko continues to seduce me into committing my limited free time to a game that can be spontaneously wiped out by rain, week after week after week, as if my craving to securely plan ahead is somehow unworthy of his validation, respect and yasher-koyekh?” Believe me, I hear ya.

Indeed, I wasn't even going to organize a match this week since as I peck these very words, Yahoo Weather is predicting intermittent showers up through the weekend, and I'll be damned if I'm going to risk tormenting you with the heartbreaking allure of yet another aerobic release denied. But then it suddenly occurred to me that it would actually be both morally inexcusable and a tad ironic to let you-my own Bay Area kinderlek-grow flabby, jejune and wan just as our cherished San Francisco Giants are about to become the most awesome and universally adored institution in the history of human civilization.

The point is that 20 years from now, when your snotty little six-year old grandchild asks you what you did to help celebrate these storied 2010 World Champions, I don't think it's going to reflect well if you have to say “Well, Kuzmir, I could'a played a superb game of softball the very Sunday that they swept the Rangers in four, but instead, because I was too tremulous to sign up due to the slight possibility of drizzle, I just stayed home on the couch and grew flabby, jejune and wan.”

Yeah, I think you see where this is going, and I also think we all know that if you look deep and hard into your own risk-averse viscera (sinewy and unpleasant as it is), you'll be able to avoid such an utterly dumbass fate. And therefore there will be game at Codornices this Sunday at 11, IF I get enough commits by this Friday morning…Raymond


Softball: Frolic Sunday Morning, Four-Game Sweep that Night

Dear People,

There will likely be a game at Codornices this Sunday at 11, and as of now there are still five slots left. My sources at the Meteorological Desk at the Latvian Consulate in Livermore say things look good, but if it rains between now and then or conditions are ambiguous, you will need to check email to make sure that the field is playable and we're good to go. Assume nothing and remember that we are a stout and hearty people by both birth and temperament, sort of.
Since it's Halloween Day, you are welcome to come dressed up, perhaps in a costume with inscrutable conceptual load (“I'm Ty Cobb's mother circa 1907; What's the problem?”).

$4 for the field/Poor pitiful Texas/See ya Sunday….Raymond 845-7552

PS: The Legacy….



Softball: Sunday 9:35AM: YES!! (with a caveat)…

Codornices is officially “closed,” but she is also gorgeous and totally playable. Indeed, she is only damp and not at all puddled, and according to Micheal Davey (who will be held solely responsible if this all turns out ugly), her blades of grass literally yearn for our pitter patter. Are we going to deny her verdant yearnage?! No, I didn't think so.

Based on past experience, my gut tells me we're safe, but the hard reality is that there's a chance that a heartless city bureaucrat will show up to force us off the field. If that does happen, we will need to accept our oppression with bitter good cheer before retreating to a local dining hall for the usual feast of stewed okra and grits.

Courage! Risk!! Destiny!!! See ya at 11….Raymond 845-7552

PS: I lost a player last night and would love one spontaneous commit to bring us back up to 20 (Of course three more are welcome); Feel the communal joy, scorn the peril and tell me you're playing as soon as you read this!

PPS: Did I say the Giants in four? I meant five (obviously).