
Softball: The Imperative of Flexibility

Dear People,

The raw strength of character displayed in last weekend's 24-19 softball match once again highlights the rigor with which we as a people continue to climb to new athletic heights. You would think they would give us a stadium for our homeric efforts. Unfortunately, they (and I think we all know who "they" are) are out to crush our movement, once again by denying us the very land we need to flourish and spawn. Next Saturday every field I know of is reserved until nightfall, but we have to perservere, for our communal dignity requires no less.

To be sure, 40 years from now when you're talking to your beloved, irritating little grandchildren, you're not going to want to say something like "Oh yeah, I used to play softball when I was your age, but then the man said we had to stop, so naturally, we stopped." I think you see my point. Therefore, there will be a softball game next SUNDAY, November 2, at 12 NOON, somewhere in the immediate Berkeley area, if I get enough commits by this Friday morning at the latest. I will give out game details that afternoon. This is no time to hesitate in the face of uncertaintly. Make that commit. Do it for your future offspring, so that they may know courage and clarity lies deep within their heritage...Ray