
Softball: The Ceaseless Challenge of Peril and Nuisance

Dear People,

I believe that if players from any other unaffiliated email-organized softball league had seen the large and menacing “Park Closed” sign that greeted us-with its starkly tacit warning that those who flouted said notice would be guilty of a felonious misdemeanor punishable by 200 years in prison-they would've instantly caved into their fears, stripped the clothes from their tremulous little bodies and frantically fled into the surrounding tundra. Of course we're not like those other hordes of spineless recreational losers, so we scoffed at the sign, caressed the moist field, and then played a magnificent match under gorgeous blue skies in which my team eviscerated Chris Fure's, 28-12.

In thinking about the enthusiasm gap that this somewhat unseemly score represents, I've concluded that the Furinator's captainship was so frightfully feckless because he was distracted by the fear of imminent arrest. I don't know that for sure, but I do know that when he turned his own two-out 3rd inning triple into a ghastly automatic force-out at home (with 20 feet to spare), he set the tone for his team's inexorable aerobic journey into drift, chaos and ultimate collapse. It must be tough being him.

The point is that the Berkeley-Albany Girl's Softball League will be seizing our field at 12:15ish for one final time this season, and while I still believe that we could probably kick their presumptuous little butts, I've also concluded it's better to take the high road. And therefore there will be a game at Codornices this Sunday at 9:45AM (which is just like 11AM except that it's actually 75 minutes earlier), IF I get enough commits by this Friday morning….Raymond

PS: At the risk of overwhelming you with chrono-somnial confusion, this upcoming weekend is Daylight Savings, and thus you will need to set your clock back one hour on Saturday night. SO, even though players should get to the park around 9:45, it will only “feel” like 10:45, leaving you rested and spry for the frolicking to come.


Softball: Our Growing World-Wide Fame (9:45 and Set Your Clocks!)

Dear People,

There will be a game at Codornices this Sunday at 9:45, and as of now, there are sill two slots left. Please remember that 9:45 is actually 75 minutes earlier than 11:00, but, because I don't want you to suffer from sleep-deprivation, I've arranged for Daylight Savings to begin the night before. Of course this means that you will need to set your clocks back before going to sleep, but be careful not to set them back too much lest you wake up just in time for Nixon's official resignation speech (as cool as that would be).

Please bring $4 for the field, which, as always, covers all taxes, gratuities and lagniappes…Raymond

PS: There is apparently the possibility of rain on Sunday. My sources at the Weather Desk of the Albanian Consulate in Hayward call this a ludicrous threat-all froth and no virus-but if conditions are ambiguous that morning, you will need to check email around 9:00.

PPS: Thanks to Kim Aronson (the greatest and most beloved Danish slugger in the history of this league), our humble little community has made youtube once again!. . .



Softball: Sunday 8:25AM: Lest it not be Obvious….

Dear People,

It's raining as I peck, and the Doppler radar shows a concerted softball-hating downpour that simply will not let us be.

Hosed Again/Back to sleep/Patience…Raymond ;-(