
Softball: Brief Grazings in Sport, the Fine Arts and Media

Dear People,

Jeff W’s team pulverized my own, 16-8, in large part because Alan “Ballet Toes” Brill shut down my awesome contingent of power-hitters with flawless focus, pure grit and an occasional cou-de-pied from the deep middle mound (which, as you know, is technically legal but still dubious form). In fact, we had just three measly runs going into the 9th, and incredibly, that’s with JT, Vince, Ben, Chris Fure and Alan Miller all ready to pound them out on my side.

In retrospect, I think the basic problem was that despite the authoritative brio you’d expect of such finely marbled hunks, we consistently batted as if we were nothing more than a bunch of denarded 17th century choir boys. Now look, I realize that’s a pretty harsh thing to say, but I have to call it as I see it, and if that means critiquing my peeps with blunt allusions to the intriguing artistic feats of post-Renaissance Florence, then so be it.

The point is that after several months of sanely staying clean, I recently slipped into another nasty round of Fox-News watching pathology, and I have to tell ya, while I was obviously well-acquainted with the nauseating O’Riley and Hannity, I found myself a tad unprepared for Glen Beck. Perhaps it’s just me, but I now see this curious blend of Rush Limbaugh and Pee-wee Herman as nothing less than the most utterly annoying buffoon in the history of the world. And therefore there will be a game at Grove Park this Sunday at 11, IF I get enough commits by this Friday morning. . .Raymond


Softball: A Post Series Rush

Dear People,

There will be a game at Grove this Sunday at 11, and as of now it is already full. As always, if you committed and need to cancel, please let me know ASAP, and if you’d still like to get in, feel free to contact me later for news of reopened slots.

This week’s field fee is just $4, and that includes a delightful buttermilk panna cotta with huckleberry coulis and autumn leaf tuiles …Raymond 845-7552