
Softball: The Homecoming (Musings on the Ambiguities of Carbon)

Dear People,

In a joyous return to our Codornices bosom, my team out blasted Chris Fure’s with a stirring display of pure mirth and mojo, 25-15. Even better, Ehud made his long-awaited community comeback as a new papa, and outside of giving up two multi-run Greg Laddish homers that landed somewhere between Orinda and Walnut Creek, his masterful performance on the mound practically begged the query; Is the Huud actually a more magnificent pitcher than he is a father? I honestly don’t know, but I do know that until we’re willing to pose discomforting questions whose answers bring potential solutions to the vexing dilemmas of our day, we will never guarantee our integrity as a thriving aerobic species.

’Nuff said.

I mention all this in light of the current global warming conference, since I now believe we must be willing to act preemptively no matter what they do in Copenhagen. The fact is that as rarefied world-class athletes, we go out there each week and frolic and chew the cud and pretend everything is OK, but I think we need to confront the theoretical elephant in the outfield, right here and now; Specifically, if, by say 2109, San Pablo and Grove Fields are 15 feet under water (and in all candor, I have no idea whether this is possible, likely or even desirable), are we as a people willing to draw the line and finally tell the city of Berkeley that enough is enough, and that we will continue to play at Codornices—with it’s gorgeous and compelling vistas 12,000 feet above the ecocatastrophic fray—or are we going to once again cave in to a bunch of presumptuous city-sanctioned Lacrosse-playing prepubescent terrorists, despite our rightful claim to this park we call home?

Yeah, these are the queries that frighten and jar and even make me feel unclean, but the events of the world do not revolve around our tiny little comfort zones. So let them bicker in Denmark and let Mother Nature do what she will, but let us declare today that we as a people will never let the Man force us into a future of competitive nude canoeing, so long as our historic homeland is tender and dry. At a minimum, I think we can all agree to do that. And therefore there will be a game at Codornices this Sunday at 11, IF I get enough commits by this Friday morning…Raymond


Softball: Facing Down Nature

Dear People,

There will (hopefully) be a game at Codornices this Sunday at 11, and as of now it is full. As always, please let me know ASAP if you committed and need to cancel, and feel free to contact me later for news of reopened slots.
To be clear, I as well aware that a hideous winter storm is now barreling down on the Bay Area, with its icy temps, hail and inherent hatred of unaffiliated email-organized sport. Nevertheless, my sources at the Weather Desk of the Latvian Consulate in Livermore assure me that there will be a salutary break in the frigid gloom, and because Codornices has excellent drainage, I am still confident that we’ll be able to frolic come this Sunday.

Remember, we are a stout people of raw and hearty temperament, and thus if the field is playable and it’s not actually raining, we’ll be good to go. Unless, of course, it’s so fucking wet, cold and ghastly outside that I just couldn’t make it happen in good conscience.

The point is that if you committed, please assume nothing, be prepared to play, and check your email that morning. If conditions are ambiguous, I’ll call those commits outside the immediate area from the park by 10ish, and I’ll have an email out by 10:30 latest.

$4 if it happens/Courage….Raymond 845-7552

PS: Nanci Pecker, the moral backbone of our entire community, would like to tell you about an awesome crafts fair at her hair salon. . .
Two Saturdays in a row. . .Dec 12th & 19th from 11:30am-5:30pm.
1400-1404 San Pablo Ave, Berkeley (The cross street is Camelia, near REI). Everyone please show up!

There will be reasonably-priced handmade crafts, cupcakes, and yummy warm drinks to sample made by Nanci at her espresso bar. Come and hang for a bit. Haircut raffle as well.

Nanci Pecker
"we belong in your hair"
Berkeley, CA 94702


Softball: 9:55AM Sunday: An Aerobic Brunch it is ;-(…

Dear People,

As you know, my eyes fill with the tears of 1,000 orphaned garden snakes whenever I have to cancel a game, but the hard reality is that Codornices is now a flooded malarial suck-bog of unspeakable filth.

However, Chris Fure and I will be converging at Chester’s Café (Walnut and Vine at Walnut Square), for a savory brunch of eggs, kosher bacon and other healthful fare. If you’d like me to save you a place, let me know you’re coming by 10:40 latest.

Patience. . .Ray