
Softball: To Rise Above the Fray

Dear People,

Congratz to all on last weekend's rhapsodic 17-16 exemplification of raw aerobic majesty. That a bewildered group of dispirited human lambs, trailing 10-2 in the bottom of the 5th, strangers to each other and seemingly without hope of victory or dignity, could tap deep into their inner communal child and find the esprit 'de corps necessary to culminate their rally on the last hit of the game merely adds an additional hallucinogenic overlay to the ethereal wonder of sport itself. Yes, let them prattle back east over the Constitutional significance of a quasi-perjuriously denied executive blow-job. That's what they do. We don't. We play softball. And if you must know, I get tiny little goose bumps on my clavicle just thinking about the difference.

That being said, there will be a game this Sunday, December 13th, at 11AM, on the succulent organic grasses of San Pablo field #1, IF I get enough commits by this Friday at noon. So stop being evasive and do what you must....Raymond