
Softball: A Shameless Dip into the Current Pop Culture Milieu

Dear People,

My team crushed Alan Brill’s on the last hit of the game, 19-18, in another long and enervating paragon of swirling athletic emotion. The bleacher-based presence of a raucous and semi-drunken gaggle of distant aerobic cousins only added to the frisky recreational zeitgeist, but in the end, we as a Codornices-based community are as oblivious to these types of external distractions as we are to the eternal threats of earthquake, fire and yak. Of course some of us are less oblivious than others, which may explain why Anthony seemed somewhat less than focused while doing yeoman’s work for my side in deep left field.

For example, I’m still not sure why after misjudging, bobbling, dropping and inadvertently kicking a crisp 4th-inning line drive far into foul territory, the Anthonator skedaddled for the ball, picked it up, pivoted toward home, and then immediately proceeded to hurl it as hard as he could directly into a towering, gorgeous and perfectly innocent redwood just 10 feet in front of his face. In all candor, it was a curious and unsightly spectacle, and yet before we cast pseudo-psychological aspersions, I don’t think we should assume that in some kind of vivid hallucination, our hero suddenly “saw” those bozos from the peanut gallery climbing on the overrated lumber in question. Oh sure, it’s possible, but as a seasoned recreational detective, I would initially pose a much more salient question: What the fuck was that stupid tree doing there anyway?

Indeed, thinking outside the forensic box is what I happen to do best, and that’s why I personally would take it one step further and pursue that most discomforting query of all: Are we human, or are we dancer?* I honestly don’t know, but I do know that as a great recreational people, it’s high time that we stop and smell the epistemological coffee. And therefore there will be a game at Codornices this Sunday at 11AM, IF I get enough commits by this Friday morning….Raymond

*For those of you who are oblivious, old, or simply behind the curve…


(with apologies to Ramona, who feels this is the most annoyingly meaningless song of the last 300 years)…


Softball: The Contemptible Clouds of Pre-Winter

Dear People,

There will be a game at Codornices this Sunday at 11AM, and as of now, it is full. As always, please let me know ASAP if you committed and need to cancel, and feel free to contact me later if you’re looking for reopened slots.

Please note that if it rains a lot between now and then or if conditions are ambiguous on Sunday, you will need to check your email that morning, about 10AM. Never assume a game has been cancelled, and remember that by both birth and temperament, we are a stout people who would prefer to play in the cold and damp rather than stay at home and grow flabby while watching old reruns of The Courtship of Eddie’s Father (as magical as they are, especially Mrs. Livingston).

This week’s field fee is just $3, and that includes a simply divine local squid ragoût with zinfandel and braised leeks…Ray 845-7552


Softball: Sunday 9:45AM: Seize the Risk of Calamity and Frost Bite!!

Yes, it’s cold and icy and bitter and the contemptible grey clouds “threaten” to rain, but they’ve been doing that the last 36 hours!; Trust me, they’re poseurs!!

NO EXCUSES (unless it starts to rain [not just drizzle] between now and then)/Courage/Stout!Warm, woolen ear muffs!/See ya at 11…Ray 845-7552

PS: Chris Fure and I just conferred; If this turns out badly, the blame is his (fair is fair). If we need to flee mid-game, some of us will probably head to Saul’s Deli for latkes, hot cocoa and solace.

PPS: If you’re not going to show up (inexcuble by defintion) please let me know as soon as you read this!)

Softball: Sunday: 10:15AM: SCREWED ;-(

As you know, my eyes fill with the tears of 1,000 orphaned jellyfish whenever I have to cancel a game, but I have no choice given that it has just started to pour.

Softball: Sunday 11AM: Food, Company and Good Cheer!

Since Frank missed the second email and is in the process of driving over here from San Francisco, I have no ethical choice but to validate his courage (or stupidity, depending on how you look at it). Therefore, Chris Fure, the Frankster and myself will be going to Saul’s Deli for lunch, meeting at noon (1475 Shattuck Ave, across from Safeway). Let me know by 11:40 latest if you’d like to join us so that we can reserve the right size table.

I realize this has been an emotively trying morning and that a pastrami sandwich will not really give you the aerobic release that you crave. Still, there is no finer substitute than Hebraic cuisine….Raymond 845-7552