
Softball: The Christmas Sport

Dear People,

Congratz to all on last weekend's breath taking 13-12 exercise in communal compartmentalization. It will not be forgotten that as we played, the Constitutional foundations of the nation buckled indecorously under our skinny little legs, and yet we remained focused on the athletic challenge at hand. I suppose that we were able to persevere because we at least knew Representative Robert Barr of Georgia was back in Washington, insuring the dignity of the process.

Now given the date, I would normally just decide that its Xmas and Hanukah and National Butterfat Education Week and all of that, and so why bother to organize a game? I understand that perspective, and in fact I was just about to yield to its imperatives, when by chance I happened to look over at my History of Baseball wall calender and noticed that I had completely forgotten that this Saturday happens to be the 142nd anniversary of the birth of Jim "Puddles" Galvin, the legendary Hall of Fame Pitcher for the Buffalo Bisons who won 46 games in both 1883 AND 1884. (Wow!)

I realize that many of you are tempted to leave for the holidays, but I for one will not stand idly by and diss Puddles on his 142nd.Therefore, there will be a softball game this Saturday at 12 noon at Kleeberger North, IF I get enough commits by this morning. Please cancel your vacation plans and do the right thing. Make that commit. Do it for pitching legend Jim "Puddles" Galvin, whose only foible at the mound was an apparent lack of bladder control....Raymond