
Softball: Excellent News

Dear People,

I am delighted to report: David Seskin, the first hero in the nine and half year history of our glorious community to be rushed to a hospital by ambulance, is alive and well. His catscan was negative (whatever that means), and after the docs put in a nice soothing staple in his left frontal lobe, he was good to go. As I type these very words, he is fishin’ in San Diego with Steve and Ellen, feasting on the local eel, perch and sturgeon.

Best wishes can be sent to: Theseskins@aol.com

Happy/Merry everything….Ray ;-)


Softball: Squeamish

First things first: While we're all relieved that David Seskin has made a full recovery—OK, he's still mumbling in Yiddish, but how can that hurt?—the important point is that in his rendez-vous with cranial destiny, he actually scored the go-ahead run! Yes, when the moment of high drama arrived, most of us were focused on the fact that the side of one's skull is probably not the most efficient way to deflect a blazing throw to the plate. Fair enough. Yet what went unnoticed at the time was that right then and there, with two out in the bottom of the 5th, my team took the lead for the very first time, 8-7! Even better, we never relinquished it, and thus we eventually crushed Chris Fure's side, 13-11.
Now look, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that this kind of reportage is a contemptible display of crass insensitivity. Perhaps. Yet I also happen to know that the Suskinator himself believes that in the ceaseless aerobic quest for zeitgeist-shifting dominance, a bloody, ghastly lemon-sized lump on the noggin' is a towering symbol of a price well-paid.
In any case, I know what else you're thinking. You're thinking "My God, this game’s a death trap; I think I'll switch to croquet." An understandable response, perhaps, and yet let me reassure you that at the very second of impact, our community instantaneously jumped into action with multiple layers of way-impressive crisis-management.
I refer to Broh, our own physician-assistant extraordinaire, whose keen professional acumen and flawless medical etiquette was a pleasure to behold, as he gently stanched the bleeding, assessed David’s risks and kept everyone calm as we waited for the paramedics. And I, of course, did my own little part, specifically when I rushed to the victim in shock, saw the blood oozing from his skull, and immediately stammered to the woods beyond, where I spent the next 20 minutes trying not to barf.
The point is that we all have our own natural roles in the delicate process of athletic triage, and just for future reference, mine is to stay out of the way and shamelessly defer to others. In all modesty, I do it well, and therefore there will be a game at Codornices this Sunday at 11AM, IF I get enough commits by this Friday morning….Raymond


Softball: Lessons Learned

Dear People,
There will be a game at Codornices this Sunday at 11AM, and as of now, it is full. As always, please let me know ASAP if you committed and need to cancel, and feel free to contact me later if you're trolling for reopened slots.
This week's field fee is just $3, and that includes a variety of all-titanium roller-derby helmets, painted red nose-guards and ‘manly style’ groining cups, because safety trumps dignity each and every time….Raymond 845-7552